Gaias Organic Gardens Workshop

Would you like to better your health and increase your vitality? Does the idea of drinking a tea nicknamed “ the immortality elixir” appeal to you? Would you like to save money on what can be an expensive probiotic bill?
Fermented foods and drinks are fast becoming so popular with due cause. Sauerkraut has a phenomenal amount of probiotics in each serving and recent testing has shown that just 4 tablespoons of homemade sauerkraut contains more probiotic bacteria than over 100 shop probiotic capsules. So, your 450ml Jar is worth over 8 bottles!
A detailed booklet containing the fermenting processes in detail and over 12 great recipes is also provided. Kombucha and Kefir starter kits are also included in this not to be missed workshop.
Learn a simple yet effective traditional Polish method passed down to me by my mother in law Elizabeth. Learn how to brew delicious Kombucha Tea and make your own home made Kefir Yogurts and Cheeses using both milk and coconut bases.
Fermented foods help support and maintain:
- better gut health
- stronger immune systems
- clearer digestive functions
- better sleep
- improved liver function
- reduced joint pain
- energy and vitality levels
- weight management
- healthy skin and bones.
At this workshop you will learn how to make yourself at home:
- Kombucha tea and
- Kefir Milk
- Kefir Yogurt
- Kefir Cheese
- Coconut Kefir Milk
- Coconut Kefir Yogurt
- How to create beautiful diverse flavours with infusions
- Sauerkraut
- The Base for Fermenting other vegetables
- How to incorporate your own gardens freshly grown organic produce
- Over 12 great recipes that include your home made probiotic rich, nutritionally dense super foods
You will be taking home with you:
- Kombucha Tea Starter Kit Organic
- Kefir Grains Starter Kit Organic
- Your first jar of Sauerkraut made by yourself
- Recipe and Instruction Booklet
What to bring with you on the day:
- 200-350ml clean jar (sterilisation not necessary)
- Wooden spoon or rolling pin
- Pen (paper provided)
Facebook Review Rating: 5/5 Stars
Qualified Horticulturalists
Experienced Gardeners
Whether you’d like to book a Garden Consultation, order a custom package, or have questions about organic gardening, our team are happy to help!