The world’s most complete list of edible flowers.
Flower Power to all the hippies and hipsters out there! Flowers are a beautiful way of prettying up a garden, but did you know there are a huge range of edible flowers also available? Beautifying your garden and your dinner and your soul. They are also top companion plants offering a deterrent from troublesome pests, and attracting predator pests and pollinators to your edible garden.
Impress your friends by adding your edible flowers to a salad, desserts, cakes or just for edible decoration. Add to ice cubes for a sexy summer drink addition. Flavoured oils, dressings, jams. The list of uses is limited only by our imaginations. Think of beautiful crystallized flowers for gifts and decorations. Or pressed flowers for cards and scrap books. Dried flowers can make craft or potpourri.
Add Colour and Chi to your salad or desserts…
Boost your energy and vitality by adding flowers to your dishes. They boast high levels of Vitamin A, C & D and are also loaded with antioxidants. Iron, Potassium and Calcium are also common minerals in flowers.
For me, it’s the energy or chi I get when I eat a flower, they are just so delicate, feminine and beautiful. I like to think a little of the essence of flowers are absorbed when we eat them. There is a plethora of ancient medicinal properties in flowers, but that may just have to wait for my next blog!
No wonder they are so dam sexy; the flowers are a plants reproductive organs “wolf whistle sounded”.
Important things to note:
- Please use edible flowers with caution, Allergic reactions to flowers are possible so please start in small doses.
- Only use organic spray free flowers
- Only eat wild flowers if you know it’s a spray free area
- Eating flowers off roadside is not recommended as they are prone to absorb pollutants from car fumes
- Never eat any part of a plant unless you can identify it with 100% positivity
- Only eat the petals unless you know the plant is edible. In many cases ONLY the petals are edible so remove the calyx and stigma (base of flower)
- If you suffer from hay fever you may also be sensitive to flowers
Please do your research into edible flowers and medicinal plants prior to eating them or using them. This is only a guide and by no way implies any medicinal properties, cures or magic fixes. The flowers and plants mentioned MAY cause serious reactions so people even if stipulated as safe, please test yourself before eating large quantities. Start with one or 2 petals and build yourself up as you know they are safe. Flowers may give you an upset tummy, or other adverse reactions so please eat with caution.
A different view of food…
I hope you have found this blog enjoyable and informative. Now you may look at your colourful garden differently, and along with your edible “weeds” consider what you eat for lunch on a whole other level.
Is your garden set up for the best show?
If you are not sure how to grow your own edible flower garden at home, then ask us how today! We can come and help you get set-up for your own beautiful colourful edible paradise.
Contact us at
Looking forward to hearing from you.