Is your garden thriving or just surviving this summer?

Is your garden thriving or just surviving this summer?

Here in Perth our green thumbed friends are faced with multiple challenges. From our sandy soils to our harsh summer to our endless months free from those refreshing droplets of rain. These challenges we must overcome to be able to grow our own food easily and create abundant crops.So what can we do to combat our turmoils? Drum roll please for our Summer Survival Checklist:

Soil Health– Building up soil with plenty of organic matter will be the difference between dead dry soil and dark loamy nutrient rich soil. You can water till the cows come home if there is no organic matter in the soil it will not penetrate the soil particles and it will just be wasted. So how do we improve soil health? With the following 4 components-

1- Compost ( free food or the soil)
2- Manure
3- Trace elements/ Rock Dust
4- Mulch

In addition to these four components, regular application of organic liquid fertilizer is greatly understated. By using seaweed, fish emulsion or worm wee we are feeding those essential microbes in the soil, nom nom nom… Happy microbes= strong happy plants=strong happy us.

Soil Wetter for the win!
No need to go out and purchase expensive soil wetter products either, these synthetic chemicals can damage the microbes and leave it unable to retain water in the long run- Eco Dish washing liquid is a much cheaper and safer alternative. On a side note- It takes a good amount of dishwashing liquid to do a garden, dedicate a whole bottle to your yard, not just a squirt.

Shade Cloth- Temporary shade cloth are a must in our climate.
There is no need to go out and purchase and elaborate and expensive shade cloth, an old sheet or hessian bag will do! If you are going out to purchase some, try the 50% white shade cloth.

Also don’t have it on all the time, allow your plants to acclimatize and only put the shade over when its 33 degrees or more.

If you have any questions about your garden or if you would like advise from our qualified and professional team then call the GARDEN DOCTOR today!

For more information email

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