How to Plant For Success

How to Plant For Success

How to Plant

Planting is easy. Dig a hole twice as wide as the plant’s container, pop the plant out of its container, and set it into the ground. Replace the soil around the plant. Water, and add mulch. Ta-da! You are done.

Always hold the plant around the base/root area where it is strongest.

Spacing your plants is important. As they grow, they will also spread out. Some plants do this more than others. Most plants are sold with spacing requirements on the plant tag.

Garden Care

Once planted, your garden needs a few more things:


Plants need water to grow.  Water in new plants twice a day for the first few days until they are established.


Fertilizer adds fresh supplies of nutrients to the soil — which, in turns, builds bigger and better plants. Recommend every two weeks to monthly doses on organic liquid fertilizer.  Always water and apply fertilizer straight after planting to help with the transplant shock your seedlings will be in.


Mulching will help retain moisture and break down adding nutrients back into the soil. Lupin Mulch or cane straw is recommended for vegetable patches. Make sure your veggie patch always has ample mulch applied.

**Don’t be alarmed if they look a little sad and limp the day after planting, this is normal and they will bounce back. It is ok if you lose 1 or 2 small seedlings.


Plant seeds around the depth of the size of the seed. Most vegetable and herb seeds only need to be scattered on the top of the soil and pressed in to make contact.

Thinning seeds is important as there will most likely be crowding. Just lightly remove the excess plants leaving the healthiest specimen to grow.

Good Luck & Happy Gardening! 

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