Make your Winter wonderland flourish, with minimal effort

Make your Winter wonderland flourish, with minimal effort

There’s a lot to love about winter gardens, mostly the fact that it requires minimal effort. Take advantage of our  ‘lazy gardener’ tips and not to do list and breeze your way through to an abundant harvest in no time…

    • Turn off your reticulation! It’s completely possible to overwater your garden and absolutely unnecessary  to run at this time of the year, and far too simple  an error to make. Not only is it a waste, (with a view for sustainable living in mind), overwatering can lead to fungus, root rot and a whole host of other yuckies. Turn it off and let Gaia take care of the watering for you.
    • Add a layer straw or lupin mulch. Keeping your soil warm will not only help your seeds germinate, it’ll strengthen up your seedlings by giving them some resistance training. Its like a custom made gym program for your plants.
    • Give your plants a fortnightly feed with a seaweed liquid fertiliser and amino grow. Both these eco brand products will act like a bowl of soup, nourishing and feeding the whole plant and boosting nutrients in the soil around it.
    • Throw some seeds around. Its as easy as gardening gets. You can draw a little trench and plan out what you plant, or throw caution to the wind and scatter a mixed handful in an empty patch. It all depend on your style of gardening. Water them in then leave the rest to the wet winter weather. You’ll have seedlings popping up in no time.
    • Winter is a nice time for bugs and slugs too.While our favourite thing to do is nothing, (thats right,  it doesn’t get much easier!), sometimes the creepy crawlys want more of your crop than you may be happy to share. Check the blog on our website for some safe pest control solutions.
    • Sit back with a glass of wine and enjoy putting in minimal effort for an abundant winter harvest.

We’d love to see how your garden is growing. Fill us in on the adventures you are having in your garden and don’t be a stranger. We’d love to hear from you and pictures are always a treat.

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